Bands FC reimagines soccer team logos as band logos, or vice versa. Some of them are really, really good. Some aren’t. Here’s Tool and the Portland Timbers.
Less about the actual soccer, more about being a Portland Timbers fan.
Bands FC reimagines soccer team logos as band logos, or vice versa. Some of them are really, really good. Some aren’t. Here’s Tool and the Portland Timbers.
Ah yes, a trip down memory lane to that time when we had such great hopes, but 1 Taylor on the roster turned out to be 2 too many. The Taylors weren’t conventional brothers, but they were in the Brotherhood of the Own Goal. This is a panel excerpt from a David Squires cartoon in the Guardian extolling the joys of the Australian A League.
20 wins, 10 losses, 167 points. [Source: 1970s Soccer USA]
UPDATED: Another MP tweet in the full post.
Merritt Paulson may have given us a spoiler on what the 2019 kits will look like when he replied to a fan-designed kit in a tweet. “…we jumped through hoops to design the 2019 kit.” Confused? Hoops in the context of soccer jerseys refer to horizontal bars or stripes. T2 kits from 2016-17 had hoops, as did 2002-2003 Timbers. It’s getting impossible to find old Timbers jerseys online, as there is no definitive record, and with Timbers and Timbers 2 both existing in USL at different times, well Google isn’t very helpful.
I’m picturing Merritt hunched over his phone, trying to decide whether to submit his reply, agonizing over ruining the surprise. That’s what I’m picturing, but it’s a safe bet to assume he didn’t do that though. Of course, it could be just a common phrase with no hidden inference.
Continue reading “Hoops are back?”Merritt Paulson riding one of those electric scooters en route to Providence Park before the match against Columbus. That same match, Columbus Crew owner and pariah of supporter’s culture Anthony Precourt was spotted stalking the concourses of Providence park.
[Photo: Katelin Renee]
Continue reading “MP – Man of the People. Anthony Precourt? Not So Much.”