I took the liberty of doing a little photoshop action to the Turner Construction sign….
Continue reading “Tonights the Night!”Less about the actual soccer, more about being a Portland Timbers fan.
I took the liberty of doing a little photoshop action to the Turner Construction sign….
Continue reading “Tonights the Night!”Who wants to look at 20 not-so-timely pictures from inside the stadium shortly after they removed the old artificial turf, but before they started installing the new turf? You do. If you’re hankering to get your own inside look, you can go to the “soft opening” AKA T2 matches on May 25th and 29th. It’s bittersweet as I will miss yelling at the opposing players and ref watching T2 at Merlo. More pics after the jump.
Here’s some pictures of the video displays and turf installation thanks to Fran Poodry and Cola Whitchurch.
Continue reading “New: Video Screens and Turf”No, no, no… I’m not talking about the end of our chances given the poor start to the season. I’m talking about the end of the construction. The outward facing bits are mostly done. The rest of it appears to be mainly cosmetic, apart from the interiors which we can’t see. It looks like the hard work has been done. If you want a more, err.. ahh… in depth but not necessarily factual report, check out this episode of Soccer Touchdown.
Continue reading “The End is Near…”Check out these stills from some drone footage shot on 3/30/19. It’s not publicly available yet, but our source was told it was OK to share.
Continue reading “Send in the Drones”They’ve finished spelling out SCUSA on the seats in the middle row. There’s also the beginnings of a skin on the roof for the first time. I though I had read the covering was going to be fabric based of some sort, but this looks like corrugated metal. It’s going to be loud when it rains!
Continue reading “SCUSA Seats and a Roof”They’ve started the second tier of new seats, which includes the white seats that spell out SCUSA. Meanwhile, Bob the Builder has finally started using landscape orientation on his videos, and is uploading them to Youtube.
Continue reading “SCUSA Seats”Thanks to Erik Graham for letting me post these pics he took from an interior perspective of the Providence Park expansion project. He was there legitimately and didn’t have to bum rush Providence Wellspace at Providence Park. One of these days I will get in there to take some pictures too. I’ve contemplated just walking in with a hard hat and a vest, but the possibility of a regular season ban from Providence Park makes it not worth it to me, despite the fact that I have 10’s of readers…
Continue reading “The Inside Scoop”Last week’s Timbers in 30 featured a lengthy segment with Merritt Paulson talking about all things Timbers, including the fact that the overall really good 2018 season was overshadowed by the loss in MLS Cup. About 12 minutes into the segment we get to see some video shot from the new seats.
Continue reading “MP with Expansion Teaser on Timbers in 30”They’ve started adding the seats to lowest level the stadium expansion, a week or so after they started connecting the exterior anchors to the top of the new roof outside the concourse. I spoke to a guy in a hardhat who said the scaffolding on the west end is being used to install news video boards. The work continues, run, snow, or shine. Brace yourselves, this is quite a large dump of photos.
Continue reading “Anchors, Seats, and Scoreboards”The construction cam goes in and out of focus every half hour, which makes for very trippy viewing of the time-lapse video if you’re in the mood. Highly recommended! What’s going on? They’ve started dismantling the big yellow crane, digging the foundation for the exterior retail store, and there is some interesting scaffolding up in the West end between the press box and the box suites.
Continue reading “Big Yellow Coming Down”Stadium cam is still out of focus, but here’s a few shots taken from one of the cranes thanks again to Travis Glen Blankenship via Walt Jensen. Or is it Walt Jensen via Travis Glen Blankenship? How does that work? Walt took the pics. Travis sent them to me. In the top left you’ll notice they are adding extensions to some of the trusses that are acreage up.
Continue reading “View From a Crane: Part 2”For the past couple of weeks, all the stadium action has been happening out of view from the security cam feed. There were 3-4 new struts being constructed, and then the snow hit. It wasn’t the massive (by Portland standards) dump we were expecting, but it still managed to fog up the housing on the stadium cam, rendering everything out of focus. Thanks to Scott Brown’s unnamed friend we have a visual update. If you’re looking for another round of slightly older ground level shots, keep clicking through.
Continue reading “More Roof Struts”Another photo courtesy of Walt Jensen. Snow in the stadium, just like that time in 1953 when they built a downhill ski jump for the Rose Festival. Rose Festival? Yes, it was artifice snow, brought in on trucks. I always thought that ski jump was a one time deal, but I’ve found photos online dated at 1953 and 1961.
Continue reading “Stadium Snow Day”Are you sick of these yet? I’m not. Thanks to Bruce Harris for these photos.
Continue reading “More Roof Strut Action”Of course, 30 minutes after I got back from my trip downtown to photograph the roof struts yesterday, they actually started lifting one of them up.
UPDATE: Added another shot from a crane.
Continue reading “Very Uplifting”I’m not going to lie. I spend way too much time refreshing the live construction cam at Providence Park, but for the past few weeks all the assembly action has been happening out of frame. The official Providence Park feed doesn’t update daily, but I did find another Twitter feed from @bobthebuilder4u that’s got some gold in it. Welding and semi trucks driving around on the pitch look so… wrong. Bob makes more updates than Providence Park. He’s a construction guy so he’s chiming in on what’s going on. After you’ve watched a few of his videos you realize he’s not on the actual crew, and he’s just a guy who belongs to the MAC club. Yes, I said “MAC Club,” But at least I didn’t say “The MLS.” On a side note, it drives me nuts that Bob holds his phone in portrait mode while he shoots those videos, so I drove downtown to try and get my own photos. I ended up slinking into Providence Sports Care Center until I was politely, asked to leave. All the photos from inside the park were taken behind the glass.
Continue reading “Hide and Seek With Hidden Roof Struts”The Portland Timbers posted a gallery of construction pics on Facebook. from all kinds of angles your average poacher can’t provide. Definitely worth checking out.
Eagle-eyed Bruce Eaton noticed what appears to be a discrepancy in the original renders and the live construction shots. The original renders show what appears to be a 4th row of seats at the very top that are missing from live construction cams and newer renders.
UPDATE: Added a few new renders and a link to the 3d model that shows the new additions.
Continue reading “The Case of the Missing Seats”For the past few days the construction cam made it seem like outdoor work had stopped, but the Providence Park Twitter feed shot from another direction revealed parts of the roofing structure being assembled on the pitch.
– Thanks to Mitch Gray for the tip.
Continue reading “The Roof Begins.”Check out the live construction cam set up at Providence Park. Shots are uploaded every 15 minutes, and there’s a time lapse available. You can also click through previous photos, but so far I haven’t gotten the date picking functionality to work.
Update: Added some more stills of precast sections and crane at work.
Continue reading “Live Construction Cam!”Merritt Paulson riding one of those electric scooters en route to Providence Park before the match against Columbus. That same match, Columbus Crew owner and pariah of supporter’s culture Anthony Precourt was spotted stalking the concourses of Providence park.
[Photo: Katelin Renee]
Continue reading “MP – Man of the People. Anthony Precourt? Not So Much.”Do you want to see what the Portland Timbers stadium addition will look like in 3D and get an idea of the view from the new seats? Check it out on Seats3d.com. It may only be an approximation, but it beats waiting until 2020. Hopefully the seats will actually be painted to spell out SCUSA like they do in the renders. It’s a shame they don’t let you see what it looks like from the Mac Club! Archived views after the jump.
– Thanks to Jonathan Farrow for the tip.
Continue reading “View from the $50 million not-so-cheap seats”Here’s couple new renders of the proposed Providence Park expansion as posted on NextPortland.com, along with a short write up detailing not much of anything. We finally get to see a close up version of the new homeless camp pedestrian arcade. Check out Chatterbox for a far more interesting article on how the expansion plans came to be, including options for the roof materials and a word or two from a representative of the MAC club. I may be exposing my architectural ignorance here, but I was surprised to learn they didn’t have the details of the roofing materials figured out when they designed it. Turns out it could be made of steel, or fabric. Hopefully they’ll plan for the once-a-decade heavy (for Portland) snow accumulation.
In stadium expansion news, the Oregonian published a confusing and inaccurate account of the potential new deal with the City of Portland and the Timbers. Stumptown Footy addressed those issues in detail, and it appears the original Oregonian article has been largely re-written.
OregonLive.com posted some additional renders of the proposed expansion of Providence Park. Another baby step, the plans have been presented to the city’s Design Commission, and were met with “general support.” The more I see of the renders, the more I like it. Still not crazy about the strip mall feel* from in the inside view, but the exterior is looking good.
*As I scroll down to look at those first renders, I realize I no longer have any objections to the way it looks on the inside. Must have just been the initial shock of seeing them for the first time.
The Portland City Council passed a resolution expressing formal support for the stadium expansion plans, opening the door for the rest of the things that need to fall in place as well. Three things of note, there will be a special exemption from the competitive bidding process, I assume because construction is being paid for by Peregrine Sports. The second thing, and one that has a few people grumpy, is that the 4,000 new seats would be exempt from city ticket taxes for a period of 10 years. Some see this as a government subsidy, while most reasonable people feel it’s a fair concession considering tax dollars won’t be spent on construction. The final point of interest, Peregrine’s representative would not comment on the time period required for the Timbers to recoup the investment, because the project had not been finalized yet. The section of the hearing relevant to the Timbers starts at around the 2 hour and 13 minute mark and runs for about 35 minutes. Some of the mechanics of the deal and the different ways it can be interpreted are fairly interesting.
Today the Portland Timbers released renders of the proposed new stadium expansion that would add 4,000 seats to our current capacity. It’s safe to say the entire fanbase is excited about adding more seats, but reactions to the renders are somewhat mixed. Personally, I don’t think it fits very well with the style of the existing stadium. I had a feeling this was going to be difficult to achieve, and I’m sure many people felt like the current Key Club section didn’t fit in very well when it was new. To it’s credit though, the roof style did have a connection to old park. This new one, not so much. In the release they compare the new stadium addition to the “iconic” La Bombonera stadium in Buenos Aires, that quite frankly looks garish and tacky in the picture they chose. More like a stacked strip mall than anything I’d want to brag about. I showed the interior shot to my 9 year old thinking he’d be excited, and his first reaction was “It’s ugly.” Hey, it could be a lot worse. It could be Soldier Field.
However…. it’s already grown on me since the first time I looked at it earlier in the day. I’m excited about it, top-heavy or not. The biggest surprise is that this huge addition only adds 4,000 seats because it looks like so much more. The best news is that the whole thing is going to be privately funded! An extra 4,000 seats and the new $10 a beer price tag ought to help out some. Projections say the work can take place during the off-seasons with a completion date as early as 2019. Let’s hope the NIMBY’s can be kept in check. I imagine the neighborhood will want to talk about parking.
The sooner we get started, the sooner we can work on that South end too! Merritt, on the off chance you’re reading this, don’t forget to add hooks for tifo rigging, and thanks for picking up the tab in Columbus!